Bill has been creating 3D forensic animations and graphics for courtroom presentation for over 20 years. He is very familiar with admissibility issues at trial, and knows the necessary steps to be taken in order to avoid the exclusion of exhibits.
(Click on images below to view animations or enlarge illustrations)
Bike rider hit by semi truck This animation was created to show how a semi truck hit a bike rider on the side of a highway. Once the animation is created, it can be viewed from various angles to help the jury better understand how the events unfolded.
Point of impact This animation shows the difference between two alternative points of impact.
Truck side-swipe This animation, viewed from overhead, shows a semi truck side-swiping a car.
Street vault explosion This animation shows a gas explosion in a street vault, and the resulting injury.
Skater fall This animation shows how an ice skater fell and hurt his knee.
Skate blade edge This animation shows how an ice skake blade edge works.
Knee injury This animation shows the extent of injuries to a knee..
Roof leaks This animation shows the extent of roof damage from a series of hail and rain storms.
What’s yours is mine This animation illustrates how one group of partners cheated another partner
If it quacks like a duck... This animation was used to show how many elements of a case fit together “like pieces of a puzzle” and lead to a logical conclusion.
Shell Game This animation was used to show how alleged “facts” kept changing, as if it the person was playing a shell game.
Visibility Diagrams These diagrams show the visibility of vehicles at specific times before impact.
Fall from ladder 3D illustrations showing the conditions of a room prior to a serious fall. Accurate measurements were used to create exact scale.
Puppet Master This 3D graphic illustrated how one partner in a venture was working “behind the scenes” and was really responsible for “pulling the strings” so to speak..